What is the PSU?

The Public Security Unit (PSU) currently in Grand Prairie, is made up of eight security officers, providing services 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The PSU supplements the work Enforcement Services do in the city such as Parks, Bylaw, Peace Officers and the RCMP. The PSU work in areas that require enhanced visibility, patrols and immediate action to deal with incidents of loitering, trespassing, disturbances, public intoxication, needle debris pick up/ removal and ensure encampments are dealt with by removal or direction to remove and relocate in shelters or other resources/services available. The PSU also deal with any other security issue on City properties as directed. Being a private extension of the public sector, duties can be quickly adjusted to meet demand/needs. PSU also support businesses that are signed up as "AGENTS" of the City and act on behalf of those business in dealing with these issues when called upon or when observed by the PSU on their patrols.

The PSU assists businesses and residents in handling their concerns related to the street-engaged population on a very timely if not immediate response time।

Benefits of having a PSU is, a safer community as well as a safer and more inviting businesses environment in all areas of the town. Attendance of community functions to give peace of mind such as Halloween, Parades, Football games, Counselor meetings, etc. We supplement and allow local law enforcement (RCMP/Police, CPO's) to apply their resources to other issues and matters affecting the community more effectively. The PSU completes comprehensive patrols, provides direction to social services and if needed transportation to a safe place. They deal with and provide direction to street engaged persons regarding obtaining addictions and mental health services. The PSU provide an immediate response in most situations because of APEX's 24 hour staffed dispatch and radio equipped staff.

Since the PSU started (just over a year ago), from September 2022 to approximately February (6 months) the PSU has conducted 2,029 proactive patrols and responded to 2,611 incidents including assault, theft, trespassing, and overdoses in Grande Prairie. From those incidents RCMP made 96 arrests, Peace Officers were called to assist 83 times, and EMS was called 12 times. Over the course of a year the PSU has dealt with 6,400 encounters.

That breaks down to 85% of the 2,611 incidents or 2,432 incidents were responded to and resolved by the PSU without having to hamper or deplete the resources of the Peace Officers, RCMP or EMS.

PSU Equipment
The PSU Officers are uniformed in APEX uniforms and include a protective stab vest, APEX crested shirts, cargo pants with a reflective stripe, slash proof gloves, duty belt, handcuff case, handcuffs and key, Naloxone, body cams, an APEX radio as well as a city band radio (for communication with City Peace Officers as well as MOP and the RCMP), In the marked "Public Security" van is a first aid kit, trauma kits, sharps container and a fire extinguisher as well as APEX mounted computer for data entry and reports. All APEX staff receive a comprehensive training session that focuses on situational awareness, de-escalation, managing aggressive behaviors, protective strategies involving defensive positioning, disengagement and physical protective movements. prior to doing any guard duty and must apply (after experience is gained) to become a part of the PSU unit with APEX.

The PSU uses the following provincial Acts (sections) in their duties.

Apprehension without warrant
Section 4
Any person found committing a trespass to which this Act applies may be apprehended without warrant by any peace officer, or by the owner or occupier of the land on which the trespass is committed, or the servant of, or any person authorized by the owner or occupier of the land, and may be forthwith taken before the nearest judge of the Court of Justice or justice of the peace to be dealt with according to law.

Arrest without warrant
Section 5
(1) A trespasser may be apprehended without warrant by (a) any peace officer, or (b) the owner or an authorized representative of the owner of the premises in respect of which the trespass is committed.
(2) Where a person other than a peace officer apprehends a trespasser, that person shall deliver that trespasser to a peace officer as soon as practicable. 1997 cT-8.5 s5

PSU can also enforce bylaws as directed by the town acting as an agent for the town.

Key Features
• Conducts enhanced visibility patrols (foot and mobile) in areas requiring immediate attention
• Manages incidents related to trespassing, loitering, social disorder, suspected drug use, public intoxication, encampments, and public safety concerns
• Appointed as Bylaw Officers, enforcing Provincial Acts and City/Town bylaws
• Acts as a private extension of the public sector, adapting duties to evolving demands
• Collaborates with City/Town, RCMP/Police services, and acts as a peacekeeping force during large city functions/gatherings

Impact and Benefits
• Contributes to a safer community and business environment
• Provides security and safety during social disorder calls for both staff and clients
• Frees up local law enforcement/first responders for critical issues
• Achieves proactive patrols and immediate responses for community safety
• Collaborative efforts with RCMP/Police, Peace Officers, and EMS
• Resolves 85% of occurrences without depleting other resources
• Ensures a constant and consistent presence to prevent disorder from flourishing
• Efficient and effective allocation of finite resources
• Assists law enforcement with warrant identification and apprehension Equipment and Training
• PSU officers equipped with protective gear, state-of-the-art communication tools, and body cameras
• Hold Alberta Basic Security Guard Certification
• Trained in de-escalation, managing aggressive behaviors, situational awareness, use of force, first aid, naloxone administration, FOIP & data sensitivity training
• Undergo continuous field training and development Add Watermark Apex Logo

Community Support
• Timely response to concerns related to the street-engaged population
• Ensures safety at community events
• Reduces resources needed for low-priority calls, bylaws, and general disorder
• Constant, continuous, and comprehensive interactive patrols
• Visual presence provides peace of mind for the public
• Supports "AGENT" businesses, addressing issues on their behalf
• 24-hour dispatch call center

The defining feature of a safe community is the ability of all of its citizens to participate fully and freely in all of its environments knowing they are safe. The Public Security Unit wants to help to ensure this is possible, by completing proactive patrols and responding to calls while assisting and complimenting the work currently being completed by Law Enforcement agencies within the community. This is a very cost-effective way to add support to current Law Enforcement.


At Apex, we will take the time to understand the security challenges you face and help you develop an integrated program customized to address your individual situation, needs, and budget. Contact us today for a free consultation.